Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or out of sorts (aka out of alignment), it's usually because I've been doing too much, and focusing on the wrong things. It's natural to notice what's going wrong rather than all of the things going right! Studies show that we humans actually have a negativity...
June was a busy month in my business and in life! I thought I would do a round-up post of my projects and activities, a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at this mom’s “Laptop Lifestyle”.
Home & Health
We finished up our homeschool year the first week in June and...
Our beliefs affect everything in our lives and some of them can be old, outdated, and not helpful in the least!
Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "A belief system is nothing more than a thought you've thought over and over again."
Here are a few beliefs that you might want to consider letting go of!
It’s the little things, not the big things that make your dream life!
Over the past couple of months for various reasons I’ve felt that my dream life has slipped away, at least the flow, time freedom, and not doing things I don’t want to do aspects of it. Which is pretty much...
When is the last time you took a good look at your social media use? I did way back before covid and I didn't like what I saw.... I was wasting time, it was draining me of my energy and I was consuming rather than creating. Not ideal.
So I did a thirty-day app and social media detox, and it was...
There are so many reasons to write a book, I've highlighted some of them in this post here. But, if you are still looking for the perfect idea, this post is for you! Try brainstorming several ideas for each category and see what you come up with.
1. The How To Book
Whatever you are good at,...
Writing a book can be transformative on so many levels! I know for myself I gained confidence, new opportunities, and new clients and students.
Writing a book is a journey that very few people ever attempt, in fact, 97% of people who start a book don't finish it and .0086% of people have a...
One of my big goals for 2021 is to uplevel my income stream game. I think after 2020 we can all agree that it's important!
Some of my income streams are just getting started and are currently just a trickle (and this is when many people get discouraged and give up) but I know that that is how...
50% Complete
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