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What Is Worse Than Failure?

Today, I feel like I’m failing.

Like I AM a failure, and it sucks, but it’s also a perception and a choice to feel this way. It’s not real. Things might not go how I want but I AM not a failure because the only way to really and truly fail is to quit, retreat and give up....

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Your Secret Success Weapon: Feng Shui! This Passionate Life Podcast Interview with Stephanie Zito

Feng Shui is your secret weapon to success and better relationships. 

Join me in this fascinating chat with Gael Wood, Feng Shui consultant, who helps people attract abundance and luck through the art and science of Feng Shui. Did you know your house or home office could have money...

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Declutter Your Mind Interview with Lilli Badcock of the Waking Up to Purpose Podcast

In this episode, I sat down with the wonderful Gael Wood, who is a Feng Shui Expert and Decluttering Diva!

Gael and I met in an online group a couple of years ago and having worked together several times since we are now also friends.

Gael shared some absolute GOLD in this episode about how to...

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What can you do? There's a solution to every problem.

What can you do?

I have never reached a goal or accomplished a task by focusing on not doing the thing!

If I want to write a book I  will not accomplish this by focusing on all of the ways to not write a book. I will only be able to reach my goal by focusing on the ways to make it happen. My...

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How I Overcame My Fear of Writing

business ebooks writing May 19, 2020

Picture it: the mountains of North Carolina, 2013 an overworked mom and massage therapist is ready to change her life, and she buys a planner…

 That’s how my career as an online entrepreneur began. As I worked through the planner, I began to feel that my life could be more, that...

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Aspirational Clutter

decluttering feng shui Feb 27, 2020

Sometimes we buy things with high hopes and good intentions of becoming a better versions of ourselves.

Maybe it was those kitchen appliances that were supposed to help us to create healthy gourmet meals and lose weight, art supplies to whip up lovely creations to give for holiday gifts, model...

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