Sunday Smiles 5 Happy Things

Today I wanted to share with you a few things that are making me smile. :) Last week felt hard, here's to welcoming in new qualities and new energies this week.

5 Happy Things

1. Kittens, my little kitten has been sleeping on my bed all day and she's changing position every so often and it's just...

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Super Consistent Does Not Equal Super Strict!

Many entrepreneurs (maybe you?) are natural rebels and independent thinkers, which is awesome and I wouldn’t want to be anything or anyone else, but we can rebel against even ourselves!

We rebel against any rules or systems even though having systems in place can elevate us, even though...

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Gael Wood's Podcast Interviews

Check out Gael Wood's Podcast Interviews on different platforms here:

1. My Future Business Interview with Rick on My Future Business Show.

Gael’s story will inspire anyone who’s feeling burnt out, is in debt, or just feeling unwell. In fact, this is Gael’s real-life journey,...

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10 Things You Can Declutter From Your Couch!

I am making a comeback! Still not 100% but getting there, and I am amazed how much I have found I can work on even though I'm not feeling mentally or physically at my best. 

Over the past week or so I've been doing a lot of much-needed digital decluttering, and it's a great way to shift your...

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Feeling Rootbound

Yesterday, I was repotting a few plants and I am not a “plant person” but people keep moving and giving me plants and I do have a nice sunny light-filled house so I try. I had one plant (some kind of desert palm guy) who was completely root bound, there was almost no soil left and I...

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My top 10 “Success Secrets”

Secret #1

There are no secrets, there is no right way or step by step that will work for everyone.

OK, you can stop reading now! :)

 It’s true though, all the experts, “gurus”, people with secret strategies that you can learn for just several thousand dollars are not any...

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Slow down to speed up!

Sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up. The magic happens in the gap. Inspiration and the best ideas rarely come when we are pushing, hustling, and doing all the things in order to MAKE the result we want happen. 

It’s often when we release, let go and get into the flow of...

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