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10 Things You Can Declutter From Your Couch!

I am making a comeback! Still not 100% but getting there, and I am amazed how much I have found I can work on even though I'm not feeling mentally or physically at my best. 

Over the past week or so I've been doing a lot of much-needed digital decluttering, and it's a great way to shift your...

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It always comes back to decluttering what isn't needed!


Clutter, clutter, clutter, hear all about it here, from emotional, mental, physical to beliefs decluttering...

Declutter, declutter, declutter, learn all about it ...

Here...Decluttering Deep Dive


Here... Digital decluttering ecourse


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Are you honoring your commitments to yourself?


  Are you honoring your commitments to yourself? Self matters too, just as we give time to others, time for ourselves matters too...

Join Gael Wood in this Live Workshop, and make room for new experiences, new things, and new opportunities with this 6-week program.


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Refreshing my Feng Shui, taking myself less seriously, self care and chilling out!


All about me, my business, and transitions...and how I kind of forgot about my is my story...

Let go of your stuff, shift your energy, step into the next level of YOU,  Live with Gael Wood, in the Decluttering Deep Dive workshop, JOIN HERE


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10 Awesome things you can do today for your mental health!

If you are feeling stressed with the busyness of life and a long to-do list. Try some of these ideas to lighten your load a bit! I was inspired to create this list when I realized a Facebook group I had recently joined was not a great place for me to be, I left the group and felt so much better.

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Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities

I made a new podcast episode! My little podcast has been neglected for months, but today I was inspired to give it another go. I'm not making any promises but I am setting the intention to be more consistent. Here's today's episode Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without...
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Rethinking my social media presence

When is the last time you took a good look at your social media use? I did way back before covid and I didn't like what I saw.... I was wasting time, it was draining me of my energy and I was consuming rather than creating. Not ideal.

So I did a thirty-day app and social media detox, and it was...

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Knowing When to Press Pause

Knowing when to pause is one of the most important skills in business and in life! Have you ever set something aside and when you went back to it, it made so much more sense or just seemed to flow (like this email for example)?

Yesterday I was struggling with a website page I was building, I got...

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Elevate with a Feng Shui Consultation for Your Home or Office

Hi I'm Gael Wood Feng Shui Consultant certified through The International Feng Shui School

I can help you to create a healthy and supportive home or business so you can thrive in every area of life.

We spend 80% (or more) of our time indoors and our environment impacts us physically, emotionally,...

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How I get so much done each week!


What have I been doing for the past four months? ‍ I was just asked this by someone who apparently was amazed that I haven't decluttered, so let's see...

  • I homeschooled a 12-year-old boy
    I moved my office back home because of the homeschool/pandemic situation
    I pivoted and created loads of new...
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