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From Fear Driven to Fearless Interview with Deante Young

Thank you for having me as a guest Deante L. Young! It was so great speaking with you and sharing some of my experiences and learnings from my business journey. 

BRAND NEW: Episode 009 (entitled, “From Fear Driven to Fearless”) of the “F.U.C.K. Your Insecurities! with...

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Hack your way to success!

I'm slightly obsessed with "hacking myself", with discovering why I do what I do, and why anyone does what they do. It's fascinating.

Why are some people internally motivated, while others need more deadlines and accountability? Why do we make big plans and then not go all in, taking our foot off...

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Not Normal is Pretty Much Normal!

I’m beginning to think that not normal is just, well normal!

Here I was looking forward to a chill week at home catching up on work projects, getting back into our homeschool routine and we’ve got Covid, again…. (and, yes, we are vaccinated). 

 The truth is a...

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Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities

I made a new podcast episode! My little podcast has been neglected for months, but today I was inspired to give it another go. I'm not making any promises but I am setting the intention to be more consistent. Here's today's episode Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without...
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Multiple Income Stream Goals!

One of my big goals for 2021 is to uplevel my income stream game. I think after 2020 we can all agree that it's important!

Some of my income streams are just getting started and are currently just a trickle (and this is when many people get discouraged and give up) but I know that that is how...

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Knowing When to Press Pause

Knowing when to pause is one of the most important skills in business and in life! Have you ever set something aside and when you went back to it, it made so much more sense or just seemed to flow (like this email for example)?

Yesterday I was struggling with a website page I was building, I got...

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What’s between you and your ambition/goal/desired outcome?


Are you challenged by what is between you and where you want to be? Do you feel like you do not have enough time, to take you from where you are to your desired outcome or goal? Well, hear what Gael has to say here...

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12 Books in 12 Months Can I do it?

This year I'm writing 12 New Books! It's a huge goal, and I think I can do it. It's March 5 and I'm currently on book four, I started with a few drafts that have been half done and languishing on my computer, and I have lists and lists of other books I would love to write!

I'm writing them for...

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How I get so much done each week!


What have I been doing for the past four months? ‍ I was just asked this by someone who apparently was amazed that I haven't decluttered, so let's see...

  • I homeschooled a 12-year-old boy
    I moved my office back home because of the homeschool/pandemic situation
    I pivoted and created loads of new...
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What can you do? There's a solution to every problem.

What can you do?

I have never reached a goal or accomplished a task by focusing on not doing the thing!

If I want to write a book I  will not accomplish this by focusing on all of the ways to not write a book. I will only be able to reach my goal by focusing on the ways to make it happen. My...

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