Refreshing my Feng Shui, taking myself less seriously, self care and chilling out!


All about me, my business, and transitions...and how I kind of forgot about my is my story...

Let go of your stuff, shift your energy, step into the next level of YOU,  Live with Gael Wood, in the Decluttering Deep Dive workshop, JOIN HERE


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Elevate with a Feng Shui Consultation for Your Home or Office

Hi I'm Gael Wood Feng Shui Consultant certified through The International Feng Shui School

I can help you to create a healthy and supportive home or business so you can thrive in every area of life.

We spend 80% (or more) of our time indoors and our environment impacts us physically, emotionally,...

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Weekend Room Redo Decluttering and Feng Shui


Last fall I tackled my son's room, it was out of control, and I thought he needed an update to more of a big kid room. I had three days, and a limited budget but I am so pleased with the results! Check out the video above and the progress videos for some inspiration and ideas for your home. He...

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Your Secret Success Weapon: Feng Shui! This Passionate Life Podcast Interview with Stephanie Zito

Feng Shui is your secret weapon to success and better relationships. 

Join me in this fascinating chat with Gael Wood, Feng Shui consultant, who helps people attract abundance and luck through the art and science of Feng Shui. Did you know your house or home office could have money...

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Aspirational Clutter

decluttering feng shui Feb 27, 2020

Sometimes we buy things with high hopes and good intentions of becoming a better versions of ourselves.

Maybe it was those kitchen appliances that were supposed to help us to create healthy gourmet meals and lose weight, art supplies to whip up lovely creations to give for holiday gifts, model...

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