What Do I Want To Believe About This?

One of the most powerful and impactful questions you can ask?

This morning we got up at 3 am for an early morning flight . Something I swear I will never do, every time I do it. But, it seems to keep popping up, mostly because I can’t be bothered with travel plan details and love for my...

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Gael Wood's Podcast Interviews

Check out Gael Wood's Podcast Interviews on different platforms here:

1. My Future Business Interview with Rick on My Future Business Show.

Gael’s story will inspire anyone who’s feeling burnt out, is in debt, or just feeling unwell. In fact, this is Gael’s real-life journey,...

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10 Things You Can Declutter From Your Couch!

I am making a comeback! Still not 100% but getting there, and I am amazed how much I have found I can work on even though I'm not feeling mentally or physically at my best. 

Over the past week or so I've been doing a lot of much-needed digital decluttering, and it's a great way to shift your...

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First step, BE the person!

First, become the person, then get the result!

Who gets the results? The person who is wishing, shoulding, thinking about, or as we say here in the South "fixing to"? Or, the person who is learning, doing, taking action, decided, and committed? Of course, we all know, it's the decided action...

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Feeling Rootbound

Yesterday, I was repotting a few plants and I am not a “plant person” but people keep moving and giving me plants and I do have a nice sunny light-filled house so I try. I had one plant (some kind of desert palm guy) who was completely root bound, there was almost no soil left and I...

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How to Be Confident in Taking Risks

Much of the good stuff in life takes place outside of your comfort zone! Learning new things, starting a business, going on adventures, it’s all a bit risky, but where would we be without taking risks? Probably at home on our couches that’s where and although that’s fun...

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How to create lasting change!

If you have a goal or habit you are striving for, examine what stories you are telling yourself. If your goal is to hit the gym daily but your story/belief is that the only way to be a great mom is to spend all of your non-working hours with your kids because that’s what “good...

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My top 10 “Success Secrets”

Secret #1

There are no secrets, there is no right way or step by step that will work for everyone.

OK, you can stop reading now! :)

 It’s true though, all the experts, “gurus”, people with secret strategies that you can learn for just several thousand dollars are not any...

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Not Normal is Pretty Much Normal!

I’m beginning to think that not normal is just, well normal!

Here I was looking forward to a chill week at home catching up on work projects, getting back into our homeschool routine and we’ve got Covid, again…. (and, yes, we are vaccinated). 

 The truth is a...

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How to simplify your to-do list this holiday season

I love the holidays, decorating, spending time with family and friends, cooking & sharing delicious food, and picking out gifts I think people will really like.

I also don’t love the holidays, the extra cleaning, wrapping presents (so annoying and time-consuming), getting out of my...

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