The Learn To Teach Couples Massage is on sale at 50% OFF! This week only. Learn more!

From Fear Driven to Fearless Interview with Deante Young

Thank you for having me as a guest Deante L. Young! It was so great speaking with you and sharing some of my experiences and learnings from my business journey. 

BRAND NEW: Episode 009 (entitled, “From Fear Driven to Fearless”) of the “F.U.C.K. Your Insecurities! with...

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Two Wins and a Flop!

It's almost the end of May and I wanted to share some of my business wins this month, an epic flop, a great new free gift for anyone interested in writing/becoming a writer and some new tools and resources that I'm trying. May has felt like a bit of a roller coaster to me and from some of the...

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Not Normal is Pretty Much Normal!

I’m beginning to think that not normal is just, well normal!

Here I was looking forward to a chill week at home catching up on work projects, getting back into our homeschool routine and we’ve got Covid, again…. (and, yes, we are vaccinated). 

 The truth is a...

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