There is always a way! Every problem has infinite solutions.

decisions gael wood Aug 17, 2021

Recently I've been puzzling and I've been in a state of indecision over some business decisions. Have you ever noticed how indecision is actually a decision to stay stuck?

Making a move in a direction, even the wrong direction will move you out of stuckness and eventually onto the right path. Failing forward, learning as we go, right?

I decided to make a move and just go through my products one by one and decide if I would move them, retire them, and maybe leave a few just having a simplified...

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5 things to ask yourself every morning that will make an impact on your day!

It's easy to jump into the busyness of the day, getting ready, thinking about the to-do list, taking care of children, pets, and so on.... When we just jump straight in we are generally reacting to the world around us, other people's expectations, wand, and needs. Of course, there is a time and a place for that with jobs and families, but I would like to encourage you to take just a few minutes each morning before all of those commitments and ask yourself a few important questions that will...

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Making Everyday Day a Great Day!

Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or out of sorts (aka out of alignment), it's usually because I've been doing too much, and focusing on the wrong things. It's natural to notice what's going wrong rather than all of the things going right! Studies show that we humans actually have a negativity bias!

Instead of seeing the three drawers, we have already decluttered, we see the seven we have left and feel overwhelmed about it.

I decided, knowing that the little things are the big things, to ask...

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Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities

I made a new podcast episode! My little podcast has been neglected for months, but today I was inspired to give it another go. I'm not making any promises but I am setting the intention to be more consistent. Here's today's episode Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities 
I'm definitely ready to get back to work after what seemed like a never-ending holiday weekend and feel motivated to get ahead so I can relax and enjoy my...
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10 Reasons YOU should write a book!

Writing a book can be transformative on so many levels! I know for myself I gained confidence, new opportunities, and new clients and students.

Writing a book is a journey that very few people ever attempt, in fact, 97% of people who start a book don't finish it and .0086% of people have a published book. 

 Creating and publishing a book is a big project, I won't lie, but it's doable and if I can do it I honestly feel like anyone can. A few years ago I didn't even think that I...

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What can you do? There's a solution to every problem.

What can you do?

I have never reached a goal or accomplished a task by focusing on not doing the thing!

If I want to write a book I  will not accomplish this by focusing on all of the ways to not write a book. I will only be able to reach my goal by focusing on the ways to make it happen. My house will not get clean by focusing on how dirty it is. It will only get clean by focusing on the cleaning of it.

If you have been unable to see clients and have only focused on not being able to...

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