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Hack your way to success!

I'm slightly obsessed with "hacking myself", with discovering why I do what I do, and why anyone does what they do. It's fascinating.

Why are some people internally motivated, while others need more deadlines and accountability? Why do we make big plans and then not go all in, taking our foot off...

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My top 10 “Success Secrets”

Secret #1

There are no secrets, there is no right way or step by step that will work for everyone.

OK, you can stop reading now! :)

 It’s true though, all the experts, “gurus”, people with secret strategies that you can learn for just several thousand dollars are not any...

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How to start anything!

This week I'm on a 7-day "workcation" alone at the beach, just me, my projects & ideas, food, my laptop, and an unreasonable number of notebooks. Yesterday I arrived, grocery shopped, and got organized for my week. Today I got up bright and early for a beach walk and then got to work!


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Solve any problem, live your dream life!

What do we all possess an unlimited supply of that can solve any problem? CREATIVITY!

Need more time? Look at your schedule with new eyes, brainstorm creative solutions, try things.

Need more money? Get creative, look for places to save, things to sell, ways to earn more, start that side hustle,...

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Making Everyday Day a Great Day!

Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or out of sorts (aka out of alignment), it's usually because I've been doing too much, and focusing on the wrong things. It's natural to notice what's going wrong rather than all of the things going right! Studies show that we humans actually have a negativity...

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Two ways to promote a business but only one way to be successful!

marketing promotion success Mar 09, 2021

This morning I was teaching a class on marketing (in the ELEVATE membership *which is now The Mastermind Course Library), as I often do being one of my favorite topics, and I was presenting my premise that there are two ways to market a business (online or offline). 

1. Paid advertising,...

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How to make 1,000,000 with online courses...

Today I wanted to share with you some things that I have learned over the past seven years about the online course creation industry and online business industry in general.

I think that there is a ton of opportunity online and that anybody who decides to and wants to create more income streams...

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Slow down to speed up!

Sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up. The magic happens in the gap. Inspiration and the best ideas rarely come when we are pushing, hustling, and doing all the things in order to MAKE the result we want happen. 

It’s often when we release, let go and get into the flow of...

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