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12 Days of Money Challenge for Massage Therapists - Day Eleven

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2024

Welcome to day 11 of our 12 Days of Money for Massage Therapists Challenge!

I think today is a really fun day. We’re not doing anything online or reaching out to clients. Instead, we will do something very old-fashioned: hand out three business cards.

Handing out massage business cards still works, and in some ways, it works even better now than it used to.

The main reason is that it helps you stand out. I love printed marketing materials, and I talk more about this in my New Client Attraction Bootcamp in the Massage and Spa Success Club. People’s short-term memory has been affected by how much time we spend online, so it’s great when we can give someone something physical to remember us by.

Your business cards can be simple. They can just have your website, a photo, your phone number, and the fact that you’re a massage therapist. That’s all you need. Mine are very basic: just my name, my license number, and on the back, it says, “Massage in the comfort of your home. 30 years of experience.” That’s it—simple and effective.

You can also add a QR Code so people can quickly visit your massage business website! 

Check out this video on making a Free QR Code for your marketing materials.

When we meet people, they’ll probably forget our name or website URL. It’s so important to always have your cards on you, hand them out whenever you can, and use every opportunity to get those cards into people’s hands. They can even get passed around.

I had a therapist in a live class I taught recently share a story about a client bringing in a business card she knew she hadn’t handed out in eight years. That’s similar to setting up your Google Business Profile—once you’ve done the work, it keeps working for you over time.

Business cards are so inexpensive that we should be handing them out everywhere, all the time. Today, though, I want you to focus on handing out three. These can be to new people, not existing clients. If you’re writing their next appointment time on the back of the card, that doesn’t count. We’re focused on bringing in new people.

As you go about your day, look for opportunities to hand out your cards. It might mean pinning one on a bulletin board at the grocery store or giving one to the cashier at the health food store if it comes up naturally. We won’t force cards on people, but we want to create opportunities for these interactions. Keep it top of mind and make an effort to hand out three today.

Let me know how the challenge is going for you in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you.

Check out my five pillars of marketing workshop in The Massage and Spa Success Club for more ideas building your marketing foundations.

The Five Pillars are:

1. Knowing who your ideal clients are.
2. Your basic website.
3. Your printed marketing materials.
4. Your social media presence.
5. Your local networking.

These are the top five things to focus on as a massage therapist and business owner. And, much of what we focus on in The Massage and Spa Success Club. 

One great thing about focusing on your pillars is that they won't need constant updates. There are many things you can do, like having a great business card that you can just reorder again and again. Over time, building your massage business and staying consistently booked with clients becomes easier!

I hope you’re enjoying the challenge so far. I’ll see you tomorrow for our final day. 🤗



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