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The Scaling Wellness Podcast: Practicing Massage In A Massage Magazine All Star Way with Gael Wood (1 of 2)

Starting your own massage business and growing it can be challenging and sometimes, we tend to get lost as to what we’re supposed to do or how we can bring in more clients. 

In this podcast, I’ll be sharing with you my experience in the massage therapy industry - from when I...

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The Money Fit Show: Money Mindsets, Shifts, and Stories, Gael Wood of Elevate with Gael

It was a great pleasure to be a guest for Todd Christensen in his podcast, “The Money Fit Show” to talk about my personal finance journey, the mindsets I live by, and some advice to help you.

 Being where I am now was no easy feat, with me juggling my personal and professional...

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Sales Chalk Talk Show Podcast: 10 Marketing Activities A Day! Gael Wood 3-25-22

If you’re an entrepreneur (or an aspiring one), you’ll have to know how to sell your business. In this podcast, I’ll be sharing with you do’s & don'ts, tips, and strategies on how you can market your business and bring the sales in.

As you can see from the title,...

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