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Promoting my business without Facebook Ads Update

I've used Facebook ads (along with other marketing strategies) for the past 6 years to grow my online business Massage and Spa Success. For this year (2021) I've decided to take a break for financial reasons and to get myself out of my comfort zone with marketing.

I don't think it's a wise...

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How to make 1,000,000 with online courses...

Today I wanted to share with you some things that I have learned over the past seven years about the online course creation industry and online business industry in general.

I think that there is a ton of opportunity online and that anybody who decides to and wants to create more income streams...

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2021 Promoting my businesses without Facebook Ads Post 1

In 2021 I'm focusing on building my businesses and income streams WITHOUT Facebook ads, I'll be blogging and making videos along the way sharing my progress and what I'm learning. Updating titles, descriptions, and links on 57 YouTube videos took a full day, but I'm already seeing an increase in...

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