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June Business and Life Report!

business gael wood mindset Jul 13, 2021

June was a busy month in my business and in life! I thought I would do a round-up post of my projects and activities, a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at this mom’s “Laptop Lifestyle”.

 Home & Health

 We finished up our homeschool year the first week in June and are just carrying on with math lessons any day we are home and 30 minutes a day of reading. I do a weekly “homeschool trade” with another mom and we decided to keep our schedule so I have one full day per week to work! 

 We traveled to Ohio where my husband and son participated in the Indian Mud run and both completed every obstacle (my husband did the entire course twice) and my thirteen-year-old son placed 25th in the men’s professional category. I’m just a little proud of them. 

 I started intermittent fasting and have lost 7 pounds, it seems to agree with me, I have lots of energy and feel inspired to make healthy choices because why eat junk after putting in the effort to fast? I'm walking a lot with my dog Millie, and listening to audiobooks. I love combining priorities. 

 I’m feeling inspired to do more with my Feng Shui certification again. This aspect of my business was sidelined due to COVID. It is now integrated into the Elevate Mastermind. 

 What I created

 I finished up my fourth book for 2021 and got it back from my editor so now I am two books behind on launching…I may need to do three book launches in August to get caught up!

 Read about my goal to write 12 books this year here 

I wrote several new blog posts about writing and launched a new program for the Elevate Mastermind called The Get Published Bootcamp! We welcomed 5 new members into the group and I’m very excited to see what each of them creates. Look for our group virtual bookfair in September of 2021.

Do I wish the program was growing faster? Of course, but I also know by the women that have joined that I am attracting soul mate clients and members and it’s worth the wait, many things worth doing take longer than we would like. 

 My Elevate member Ann Bell launched her new business A Confidential Conversation and I am very excited for her. 

 I finished my Designing Your Dream Life Workbook sales page added bonuses and follow-up emails. It’s very fancy and I’m quite proud of it. :) 

 If you don’t have the workbook yet, what are you waiting for? It's only $9.95 and comes with three bonuses! Here’s the link 

 New blog posts on Elevate with Gael here 

 and one Massage and Spa Success here 

 I continue to question what I want to do on social media, what is helpful versus time sucking and draining… I’ll let you know if/when I figure it all out. 

Business Income

 Elevate with Gael total sales $2,953.00

Massage and Spa Success Total Sales $942.16

Affiliate Income $627

Coaching Packages $1,200

Amazon Books $55

Consulting $500

 This is a very low-income month for me, and I think there are several reasons for it. I am starting a new business (Elevate with Gael) which takes time. When I closed the Marketing Content Clubs in March I said goodbye to around $50,000 a year in income (scary!!) however, I’ve created the Marketing Content Libraries that I plan to promote several times a year (including July). 

 I also said goodbye to Katy, my main assistant for the past 5 years and it will take some time to readjust and figure things out moving forward. My new assistant Heather is focusing on helping me with the Massage and Spa Success site and I’m focusing more on Elevate with Gael member content and programs, writing, and my long-term marketing strategy. 

Marketing Plans

 I’m still focusing on marketing with no Facebook ads and less social media in general. I’ll try to write an updated blog about this soon but here are the first two.


 I’ve been interviewed on several podcasts, and for online summits, I’ll share them when they are published. Currently, my marketing plan consists of trying new things and playing the “long game” I believe that I’m creating a foundation for success far into the future. 

 I’m doing lots of writing, continuing my quest to write 12 books in 12 months! Again, long-game strategy, and investment of time & money without immediate returns. 

 My ultimate goal is to have 1,000 members in the Elevate Mastermind creating their dream businesses and lives! I believe it’s doable and for the cost of lunch out weekly, should be a win-win for everyone involved. How will I get there? The same way I do everything, consistency, believing in myself, trying things (all the things!!), and continuing to show up and shine my light. I'm a bit burnt out on using scarcity marketing, deadline marketing, fear of missing out on marketing, etc... 

I will certainly run promotions and specials from time to time to inspire people to take action, but I also believe that offering valuable high-quality content to the right people at an amazing price can and will work!

 My business vision is to help women create their dream lives and businesses while being an example of what is possible! 

 See what’s included in The Mastermind Course Library and join us here 




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