Join the Massage and Spa Success Club during New Member December and Save!

You'll never feel ready, so just do it anyway!


We often make excuses for why we are not yet ready to do one thing or the other...but it's time to lay excuses aside and get to do what we want to do anyway, cause we will never feel ready anyways...

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How to start anything!

This week I'm on a 7-day "workcation" alone at the beach, just me, my projects & ideas, food, my laptop, and an unreasonable number of notebooks. Yesterday I arrived, grocery shopped, and got organized for my week. Today I got up bright and early for a beach walk and then got to work!


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Solve any problem, live your dream life!

What do we all possess an unlimited supply of that can solve any problem? CREATIVITY!

Need more time? Look at your schedule with new eyes, brainstorm creative solutions, try things.

Need more money? Get creative, look for places to save, things to sell, ways to earn more, start that side hustle,...

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