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A dream life doesn't mean a perfect life šŸ’–

I wrote a book called Designing Your Dream Life, that's a pretty big claim, that I have and can help other people live a Dream Life. So on the days when my life feels less-than-dreamy, I wonder, who exactly do I think I am?
But a dream life is simply living by intention and by a design of your own creation but it does NOT mean the following:
*Everything is perfect every day
*A life without struggle, fear, or challenges
*Always knowing what to do or how to do it
*Life cooperating with your plans
In my experience consciously choosing from a place of stepping into the life your desire (even by baby steps) can uplevel your circumstances in amazing ways! But, challenges naturally still come along, things change, you will change, and other people may make decisions that affect you.
The important thing is knowing that you have the skills to go back to the drawing board, ask important questions, redesign things rather than reacting or staying stuck.
A dream life isn't the flashy things, the vacations, new house, fancy car, designer handbags etc... It's the feelings that you have each and every day. The little things are the big things, and a dream life is made of moments. 

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