Rebookings are KEY to having a monthly income you can count on! Build your confidence and create a rebooking plan that works for you and your clients.
What's included?
📅 25 Ways to Increase Rebookings Video and PDF!
📅 Rebook Your Massage Clients and Grow your Business Workshop Replay
📅 Client Recommendation Form - Canva Template
Get a copy of the Client Recommendation Sheets template to start customizing your own!
📅 Three R's To Increasing Your Income Presentation with Eric Brown
There are three ways to make more money in your wellness business, learn what they are and how to increase your income in each area.
Increasing your income in these three areas using Eric’s practical advice will make a BIG difference in your bottom line!
📅 My Top 3 Hacks to Get out of my Comfort Zone and Taking Action (Exclusive Audio Recording by Gael Wood!)
Need a nudge to break free from the comfy bubble? I got your back! Tune in for the juiciest top-three hacks to ditch the comfort zone and rock your wellness journey.
📅 The Real Reason Why Clients Object to Rebooking Replay
Rebooking clients is key to your success and the reasons they aren’t rebooking may not be what you think. This presentation will change your perspective and have you rebooking more clients quickly!